jessica thill
Marketing & Social Media
My marketing and public relations experience at Relics Rentals has provided me a unique opportunity to work in the boutique rental company. I focus on well-appointed experiential styling events for interior decorators, event planners, and marketing events, as well as styled shoots for prop rentals. As the Relics Marketing Manager, I run the small marketing department that executes day-to-day strategy.
Every day I focus on social media strategy for our Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Website. I’m able to use my entrepreneurial skills to dive into a space that is not yet defined in this business. Whether it’s figuring out a way to increase clients, a strategy to increase efficiency with renting, or how to increase our exposure, I’m given the opportunity to explore different marketing avenues.
Content Creation
Everything created or posted on Relics Rentals was created by or curated by me.
insta: @relicsrentals
tik tok: @relicsrentals
Facebook: @relicsrentals
linkedin: relics rentals
twitter: @rentalsrentals
pinterest: @relicsrentals
houzz: relics rentals
Video Creation
details here*
Marketing Campaigns
details here*
Email Marketing
details here*